Actively Ageing

Are you starting to feel the effects of Ageing?
New classes starting soon. Contact Us.

Feeling the effects of Ageing?

Don’t let it put a break on your fun and happiness - a fit and healthy future is a matter of CHOICE & it's up to YOU to TAKE CONTROL.

Pave your path to health rediscovery today with our NEW Actively Ageing Health Coaching Program, specifically designed for over 50s like yourself.

The Actively Ageing Health Coaching Program consists of our 4-Week 'KICK START' Course, followed by Ongoing Exercise Classes, Individual Health Coaching Sessions, Goal Specific Mini Courses that together will enable you to achieve your heath goals!

You too can enjoy the many benefits that hundreds of Australian’s have experienced through this unique and innovative program.

Developed by a recognised physiotherapist and world authority Alison Ford; the lifestyle advice reflects a boundless enthusiasm to live life to its maximum.

Actively Ageing is a four week training course where participants over fifty are taught how to exercise safely.

Handbook & Topics

Client's Kit

The client’s kit includes a handbook of educational information, a workbook of exercise visuals and a DVD of exercise for home use.

Two levels are catered for in floor or chair routines and both offer progressions in strength and skill level. From the program participants can progress to safe gym or exercise classes or continue in our ongoing Actively Ageing exercise classes.Health Rebates apply, DVA EPC are catered for.

Topics Covered

Topics covered in the Actively Ageing 4-week Course include:

  • The Importance of Fitness as we Age
  • Aerobic Exercise Prescription
  • Core Stability Training
  • Diaphragmatic Breathing
  • Postural Correction
  • Falls Prevention
  • Safe Lifting Techniques
  • Bone Health
  • Brain Health
  • Nutrition
  • Age-related Health Issues
  • Diabetes
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Obesity
  • Healthy Lifestyle Changes


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